Book and papers

On this page I will provide details about my publications.


Parallel Programs as Petri Nets

April 2001 - BoD - XII, 287 pages
ISBN: 3-8311-1799-3
Libri: 2037963

This is the publication of my PhD thesis ‘Parallel Programs as Petri Nets’ done at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of the University of Hildesheim, Germany.

Simulation, analysis and verification of parallel programs is a major challenge.  This thesis proposes a solution which is based on Petri nets.  The main contribution is the formal definition of compositional high-level Petri net semantics for B(PN)˛ Basic Petri Net Programming Notation) programs and SDL (Specification Description Language) systems.  The correct and efficient translation of

  • also recursive procedures (in B(PN)˛ and SDL) and

  • processes with dynamic creation and termination (in SDL)

into high-level Petri nets are distinguishing characteristics.

 In addition to the semantics definitions, all related issues are covered:

  • The M-net model, an algebra of high-level Petri nets, is extended in such a way that all coherence and algebraic properties are still fulfilled.

  • References which relate parts of the programs with parts of the resulting nets are formally introduced in the semantics.

  • Implementational aspects and the integration into the PEP tool are described.

  • Examples are given, in particular, to demonstrate how the presented approach supports verification.

Finally, the definition of a high-level Petri net semantics for ‘hybrid’ systems which are composed of B(PN)˛ parts, SDL parts and B(PN)˛ and/or SDL specific finite automata gives evidence for the general applicability of the presented concepts.

How to order?
  1. You can order at (clicking on the link should bring you directly to the correct page).  Unfortunately this Amazon site is in German and the other Amazon sites do not have the book (yet).

  2. You can order at (clicking on the link should bring you directly to the correct page).  Unfortunately, also this site is in German.  But, you can display / download an English guide 'how to order' in PDF format (500 KB).

  3. You should be able to get it via your book store by giving the details above (next to the cover).


You can find my previous publications (papers at conferences) at my old university web site (I hope that I will soon find some time to provide them on this site): 


Please contact me if you have any questions, are interested in details, training / consultancy, ...:

Bernd Grahlmann (last updated January 2nd, 2004)

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